lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010
miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010
Hey guys! what's up?
Remember i told you the after party of Gaga's concert was another story?? well, here it is!!
we went to Razzmatazz, to the private pass of Semi Precious Weapons, and we got to stay at the very front line! can you spot my friend Alex and me? Laura (alex's sister) was there too! well, as you can see, we had a time to remember! after the concert, we danced and met our friend Niño Fixo.
(all the pictures, courtesy of icanteachyouhowtodoit)
oh, btw, this is a picture i took, when Justin (SPW singer) took my scarf! yes, i was about to cry!
The bottom pic is the one i took when Justin put his leg on Alex!(u can see it at the beginning)
and here you have the video i recorded!
jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010
Hello hello readers!
As you may know, I'm a huge Gaga fan, and i went to The Monster Ball last Tuesday night in Barcelona. It was absolutley amazing, fantastic, AWESOME! Totally worth it! if you have the oportunity, you should go. She really knows how to sing, how to dance, and how to work on stage! She's a DIVA, but so down to earth and so committed to her fans. She's the BEST.
Here i post some pics i took while i was enjoying the night with her songs, and some ones with my outfit (a little bit inspired in the 'TELEPHONE' video). Hope you like them!
Hola hola lectores!
Como podreis ya saber, soy fan de Gaga hasta la muerte, y fui a su concierto en Barcelona que dio el pasado Martes dentro de su gira mundial 'The Monster Ball'. Fue absolutamente fantastico, increible, UNA PASADA! merece la pena ir, de verdad, si teneis la oportuidad de ir, no os lo podeis perder! De verdad sabe como cantar, como bailar, y como trabajar en el escenario! es una autentica DIVA, pero muy normal, y super comprometida con sus fans. Es la MEJOR.
Aqui os pongo algunas fotos de las que hice por la noche mientras disfrutaba de sus canciones, y algunas de mi outfit (algo inspitado en el video 'TELEPHONE'). Espero que os gusten!
viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010
WhaT Do We HaVe HeRe?
HoHoHO! what a surprise! i was looking to all my old camera's pictures and i found these ones!
They're from early october, when my brother and i went to visit my sister(who's living in Malaga)
We had a wonderful time: we danced, we met amazing people, and we partied like crazy!
Well, at least that's what they say, cuz if u look at my face in the last picture...well, you can guess i was a little...uuhhmm...wasted. BUT WE DID HAVE FUN!
Bueno bueno! que sorpresa! Estaba mirando las fotos de mi camara antigua y mira lo que he encontrado! estas fotos son de Malaga, cuando mi hermano y yo fuimos a visitar a mi hermana (que vive alli).
Nos lo pasamos genial: bailamos, conocimos a gente increible, y estuvimos de fiesta como locos!(bueno, al menos eso es lo que me han contado, porque si veis mi cara en la ultima puede ver que estaba un poco...eehh...bebida de mas! PERO FUE INCREIBLE!
martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010
GaGa Time
YAY!!! just one week left to see the greatest artist of all time!!!
Personally, i love her earlier work...THE FAME...but the moment when she'll sing TELEPHONE...i think my heart could stop!
while i wait for her, and The Monster Ball in Barcelona... I'll try to find the perfect way to celebrate my birthday!(minutes left till midnight!)
Biiieeeeeennn!!! solo una semana para ver a la artista mas grande de todos los tiempos!
Personalmente, prefiero su primer trabajo, THE FAME, pero creo q el momento en el q cante TELEPHONE, me dara un infarto!
Mientras la espero, y a su show The Monster Ball en Barcelona, a ver si se me ocurre una manera increible de celebrar mi cumpleaños....faltan minutos para la media noche!

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